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Zip Code Details/Links

Please click on zip code or chart for detailed city-zip PNG report

Bangor, ME 04401  and Penobscot County Bank Deposit Summary and Bank Market Share PNG Report with 20 branches and $2.79B in deposits. Population is 44,285 with a median income of $62,287.  Real Estate Reports<br>88 real estate listings with a median price of $373,200 ($436,412 avg.) and 67 days on market.


#1 of 10

Banking Reports
Bangor, ME 04401 and Penobscot County Bank Deposit Summary and Market Share Reports with 20 branches and $2.79B in deposits.

Population is 44,285 with a median income of $62,287.

Real Estate Reports
88 real estate listings with a median price of $373,200 ($436,412 avg.) and 67 days on market.
MAPs - 04401 / ME
CHARTs - Penobscot County / ME

Brewer, ME 04412  and Penobscot County Bank Deposit Summary and Bank Market Share PNG Report with 5 branches and $412.21M in deposits. Population is 9,633 with a median income of $55,870.  Real Estate Reports<br>12 real estate listings with a median price of $283,500 ($318,285 avg.) and 86 days on market.


#2 of 10

Banking Reports
Brewer, ME 04412 and Penobscot County Bank Deposit Summary and Market Share Reports with 5 branches and $412.21M in deposits.

Population is 9,633 with a median income of $55,870.

Real Estate Reports
12 real estate listings with a median price of $283,500 ($318,285 avg.) and 86 days on market.
MAPs - 04412 / ME
CHARTs - Penobscot County / ME

Hampden, ME 04444  and Penobscot County Bank Deposit Summary and Bank Market Share PNG Report with 2 branches and $129.07M in deposits. Population is 9,303 with a median income of $94,018.  Real Estate Reports<br>26 real estate listings with a median price of $388,500 ($493,769 avg.) and 92 days on market.


#3 of 10

Banking Reports
Hampden, ME 04444 and Penobscot County Bank Deposit Summary and Market Share Reports with 2 branches and $129.07M in deposits.

Population is 9,303 with a median income of $94,018.

Real Estate Reports
26 real estate listings with a median price of $388,500 ($493,769 avg.) and 92 days on market.
MAPs - 04444 / ME
CHARTs - Penobscot County / ME

Lincoln, ME 04457  and Penobscot County Bank Deposit Summary and Bank Market Share PNG Report with 4 branches and $256.30M in deposits. Population is 5,794 with a median income of $45,019.  Real Estate Reports<br>28 real estate listings with a median price of $268,450 ($300,456 avg.) and 92 days on market.


#4 of 10

Banking Reports
Lincoln, ME 04457 and Penobscot County Bank Deposit Summary and Market Share Reports with 4 branches and $256.30M in deposits.

Population is 5,794 with a median income of $45,019.

Real Estate Reports
28 real estate listings with a median price of $268,450 ($300,456 avg.) and 92 days on market.
MAPs - 04457 / ME
CHARTs - Penobscot County / ME

Millinocket, ME 04462  and Penobscot County Bank Deposit Summary and Bank Market Share PNG Report with 1 branch and $48.47M in deposits.


#5 of 10

Banking Reports
Millinocket, ME 04462 and Penobscot County Bank Deposit Summary and Market Share Reports with 1 branch and $48.47M in deposits.

No Population/Demographics for 04462

No Real Estate Details for 04462

Old Town, ME 04468  and Penobscot County Bank Deposit Summary and Bank Market Share PNG Report with 2 branches and $152.06M in deposits. Population is 9,234 with a median income of $47,164.  Real Estate Reports<br>14 real estate listings with a median price of $242,450 ($288,408 avg.) and 113 days on market.


#6 of 10

Banking Reports
Old Town, ME 04468 and Penobscot County Bank Deposit Summary and Market Share Reports with 2 branches and $152.06M in deposits.

Population is 9,234 with a median income of $47,164.

Real Estate Reports
14 real estate listings with a median price of $242,450 ($288,408 avg.) and 113 days on market.
MAPs - 04468 / ME
CHARTs - Penobscot County / ME

Orono, ME 04473  and Penobscot County Bank Deposit Summary and Bank Market Share PNG Report with 2 branches and $91.34M in deposits. Population is 8,171 with a median income of $56,682.  Real Estate Reports<br>5 real estate listings with a median price of $373,200 ($379,880 avg.) and 115 days on market.


#7 of 10

Banking Reports
Orono, ME 04473 and Penobscot County Bank Deposit Summary and Market Share Reports with 2 branches and $91.34M in deposits.

Population is 8,171 with a median income of $56,682.

Real Estate Reports
5 real estate listings with a median price of $373,200 ($379,880 avg.) and 115 days on market.
MAPs - 04473 / ME
CHARTs - Penobscot County / ME

Patten, ME 04765  and Penobscot County Bank Deposit Summary and Bank Market Share PNG Report with 1 branch and $122.04M in deposits. Population is 1,030 with a median income of $42,542.  Real Estate Reports<br>6 real estate listings with a median price of $324,450 ($308,475 avg.) and 58 days on market.


#8 of 10

Banking Reports
Patten, ME 04765 and Penobscot County Bank Deposit Summary and Market Share Reports with 1 branch and $122.04M in deposits.

Population is 1,030 with a median income of $42,542.

Real Estate Reports
6 real estate listings with a median price of $324,450 ($308,475 avg.) and 58 days on market.
MAPs - 04765 / ME
CHARTs - Penobscot County / ME

Dexter, ME 04930  and Penobscot County Bank Deposit Summary and Bank Market Share PNG Report with 2 branches and $103.80M in deposits. Population is 4,226 with a median income of $50,354.  Real Estate Reports<br>21 real estate listings with a median price of $265,375 ($319,953 avg.) and 127 days on market.


#9 of 10

Banking Reports
Dexter, ME 04930 and Penobscot County Bank Deposit Summary and Market Share Reports with 2 branches and $103.80M in deposits.

Population is 4,226 with a median income of $50,354.

Real Estate Reports
21 real estate listings with a median price of $265,375 ($319,953 avg.) and 127 days on market.
MAPs - 04930 / ME
CHARTs - Penobscot County / ME

Newport, ME 04953  and Penobscot County Bank Deposit Summary and Bank Market Share PNG Report with 4 branches and $250.41M in deposits. Population is 3,143 with a median income of $61,711.  Real Estate Reports<br>13 real estate listings with a median price of $339,225 ($745,900 avg.) and 170 days on market.


#10 of 10

Banking Reports
Newport, ME 04953 and Penobscot County Bank Deposit Summary and Market Share Reports with 4 branches and $250.41M in deposits.

Population is 3,143 with a median income of $61,711.

Real Estate Reports
13 real estate listings with a median price of $339,225 ($745,900 avg.) and 170 days on market.
MAPs - 04953 / ME
CHARTs - Penobscot County / ME

Bank Deposits Map

>$10B - / $1B-$10B - / $500M - $1B - / $100M - $500M - / $50M - $100M - / <$50M -

About these Reports

Bank Deposit summaries and market share reports were compiled from the FDIC June 30, 2021 data at -

Bank CALL reports were compiled from the FDIC September 20, 2021 data at -

Real Estate Data and Charts were compiled from the December 2022 data at -

Interactive Map, Population and Demographis were compiled from 2021 data at -

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