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Zip Code Details/Links

Please click on zip code or chart for detailed city-zip PNG report

Auburn, ME 04210  and Androscoggin County Bank Deposit Summary and Bank Market Share PNG Report with 9 branches and $1.04B in deposits. Population is 24,038 with a median income of $59,659.  Real Estate Reports<br>28 real estate listings with a median price of $363,475 ($429,716 avg.) and 61 days on market.


#1 of 5

Banking Reports
Auburn, ME 04210 and Androscoggin County Bank Deposit Summary and Market Share Reports with 9 branches and $1.04B in deposits.

Population is 24,038 with a median income of $59,659.

Real Estate Reports
28 real estate listings with a median price of $363,475 ($429,716 avg.) and 61 days on market.
MAPs - 04210 / ME
CHARTs - Androscoggin County / ME

Lewiston, ME 04240  and Androscoggin County Bank Deposit Summary and Bank Market Share PNG Report with 8 branches and $833.58M in deposits. Population is 37,577 with a median income of $54,317.  Real Estate Reports<br>25 real estate listings with a median price of $371,500 ($406,381 avg.) and 22 days on market.


#2 of 5

Banking Reports
Lewiston, ME 04240 and Androscoggin County Bank Deposit Summary and Market Share Reports with 8 branches and $833.58M in deposits.

Population is 37,577 with a median income of $54,317.

Real Estate Reports
25 real estate listings with a median price of $371,500 ($406,381 avg.) and 22 days on market.
MAPs - 04240 / ME
CHARTs - Androscoggin County / ME

Lisbon Falls, ME 04252  and Androscoggin County Bank Deposit Summary and Bank Market Share PNG Report with 1 branch and $33.91M in deposits. Population is 4,971 with a median income of $69,989.  Real Estate Reports<br>3 real estate listings with a median price of $198,175 ($198,175 avg.) and 189 days on market.


#3 of 5

Banking Reports
Lisbon Falls, ME 04252 and Androscoggin County Bank Deposit Summary and Market Share Reports with 1 branch and $33.91M in deposits.

Population is 4,971 with a median income of $69,989.

Real Estate Reports
3 real estate listings with a median price of $198,175 ($198,175 avg.) and 189 days on market.
MAPs - 04252 / ME
CHARTs - Androscoggin County / ME

Poland, ME 04274  and Androscoggin County Bank Deposit Summary and Bank Market Share PNG Report with 1 branch and $154.94M in deposits. Population is 5,883 with a median income of $100,344.  Real Estate Reports<br>5 real estate listings with a median price of $389,500 ($389,500 avg.) and 116 days on market.


#4 of 5

Banking Reports
Poland, ME 04274 and Androscoggin County Bank Deposit Summary and Market Share Reports with 1 branch and $154.94M in deposits.

Population is 5,883 with a median income of $100,344.

Real Estate Reports
5 real estate listings with a median price of $389,500 ($389,500 avg.) and 116 days on market.
MAPs - 04274 / ME
CHARTs - Androscoggin County / ME

Turner, ME 04282  and Androscoggin County Bank Deposit Summary and Bank Market Share PNG Report with 1 branch and $83.30M in deposits. Population is 5,822 with a median income of $83,305.  Real Estate Reports<br>8 real estate listings with a median price of $504,125 ($763,332 avg.) and 25 days on market.


#5 of 5

Banking Reports
Turner, ME 04282 and Androscoggin County Bank Deposit Summary and Market Share Reports with 1 branch and $83.30M in deposits.

Population is 5,822 with a median income of $83,305.

Real Estate Reports
8 real estate listings with a median price of $504,125 ($763,332 avg.) and 25 days on market.
MAPs - 04282 / ME
CHARTs - Androscoggin County / ME

Bank Deposits Map

>$10B - / $1B-$10B - / $500M - $1B - / $100M - $500M - / $50M - $100M - / <$50M -

About these Reports

Bank Deposit summaries and market share reports were compiled from the FDIC June 30, 2021 data at -

Bank CALL reports were compiled from the FDIC September 20, 2021 data at -

Real Estate Data and Charts were compiled from the December 2022 data at -

Interactive Map, Population and Demographis were compiled from 2021 data at -

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