Please Note! - 06/30/2024 Branch data uploaded on 09/20/2024
Call Reports updated thru 12/31/2024!
NEW! 5 year Real Estate Historical Data - Data by State (Mapped)
PPP Loans by state/zip with complete borrower/company details (updated 07/03/2022)
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
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  1. Why do I need to register and login?
  2. Overview of
  3. What are some of the features on this site?
  4. What are some screenshots on this site?
  5. What are some example charts on the site?
  6. How can I compare multiple zip codes?
  7. Are there quick links for easy access/demo of the site?
  8. Are there quick links for easy access/demo of charts?
  9. Are there quick links for easy access/demo of zip code summaries as images (PNG)?
  10. Who is
  11. How do I subscribe to
  12. Where do you get the bank data for this site?
  13. Where do you get the real estate data for this site?
  14. What data is available in the quarterly call reports?
  15. How can I be a sponsor on this site?
  16. How was this site created?
  17. What is your privacy policy?
  18. Disclaimers
  19. How can I contact

Why do I need to register and login?

Our site has over 20 years of call reports and has over 46M rows of data

As of 10/01/2020, we require registration and login (still FREE) to use this site -
  • to prevent bots and spiders from contantly indexing our large database
  • for better user search performance and experience

Please see below for site features and charting ...

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Overview of is a searchable database of imported -
FDIC Branch Deposit Data.
FDIC Quarterly Finacial Data SDI Data.

The site offers Deposit Summaries for Branch, Bank, Zip Code and County data overlaid on a Google Map.

Additionally, PIE and BAR charting are instantly available for Branch, Bank, Area, Zip Code and County Deposit summaries.

Please visit -

for more information. The site integrates MySQL database, PHP, javascripting, & google mapping API.

Please Note! - Subject to errors, ommissions and changes without notice.

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What are some screenshots on this site?

Example Screenshots -

  1. 2 Banks Mapped - Compiled/Overlay 2 Banks
  2. Feature a specific Bank - Hylite a Specific Bank Location
  3. Results Screen - All Banks/Links/Details on the Map
  4. Compiled Bank Info - 2 Banks Combined Deposits
  5. [+/-] - Show/Hide this Bank's Details
  6. Zip Code Deposits - Historical Deposits for Specific Zip Code
  7. Branch Deposits - Historical Deposits for specific Branch
  8. Zip/Branch Deposits - Historical Deposits for Zip/Branch/Market %
  9. Main Company/Branch Deposits - Historical Deposits for Main Company/Branch/Market Share

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What are some example charts on the site?

  • Bar Chart
  • Pie Chart

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How can I compare multiple zip codes?

You can compare two different zip code areas by separating by a '-' in the ZipCode(s) search field. Examples -

  • 55431,55430,55432-55436,55437,55438
  • 55431,55430-55436
  • 55431-55436
After searching, please click Area Deposits (Map Info)

Example screen shot of comparative zipcode charting -

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Are there quick links for easy access/demo of zip code summaries as images (PNG)?

YES! - 'Quick Links' Zip Code Image Summaries and/or Comparisons -

Substitue zip codes in above links -
  • separate by ',' for multi zip codes
  • separate by '-' to compare two zip code areas (note! 2 areas)
These links create a PNG image and link that are easily emailed and do NOT require login.

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Who is is another Inc. site.

We also are:

    Over 15,000 properties available for weekly vacation rental!


    Over 30,000,000 tax assessment records (1999-2011) for the State of New Jersey.

Our software has managed vacation rental properties, leases and trustee accounting since 1983 and presently manages approximately 10,000+ vacation rentals and 30,000+ leases in Cape May County, NJ which totals over $100,000,000 in vacation leases.

Additionally, we maintain and provide software, database and web integration for these real estate companies:
  1. Berger Realty
  2. Monihan Realty
  3. Coldwell Banker James C Otton Real Estate
  4. Grace Realty
  5. Sea Isle Realty
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How do I subscribe to

Presently the site is free.

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Where do you get the bank data for this site?

This data was downloaded from the FDIC site -

with this summary of bank branches and deposits:
  • 79,224 banks/branches for 2022
  • 2,592,492 deposit records for 1994 thru 2022
  • June 20, 2022 update date from the FDIC site.
and summary of quarterly CALL reports:
  • 39,088,137 records from each quarter since 2010
  • 09/30/2022 last quarter update

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Where do you get the real estate data for this site?

The real estate data was downloaded from the site -

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What data is available in the quarterly call reports?

Call report CSV files extracted from quarterly call reports -
  1. All_Reports_20191231_- PD & NA Loans Wholly or Partially US Gvmt Guaranteed.csv
  2. All_Reports_20191231_1-4 Family Residential Net Loans and Leases.csv
  3. All_Reports_20191231_Additional Noninterest Expense.csv
  4. All_Reports_20191231_Additional Noninterest Income.csv
  5. All_Reports_20191231_Amount of Ownership (Seller) Interests.csv
  6. All_Reports_20191231_Assets and Liabilities.csv
  7. All_Reports_20191231_Bank Assets Sold and Securitized.csv
  8. All_Reports_20191231_Cash Dividends.csv
  9. All_Reports_20191231_Cash and Balances Due.csv
  10. All_Reports_20191231_Changes in Bank Equity Capital.csv
  11. All_Reports_20191231_Collective Investment & Common Trust Funds.csv
  12. All_Reports_20191231_Corporate Trust and Agency Accounts.csv
  13. All_Reports_20191231_Covered by FDIC Loss-Share Agreements.csv
  14. All_Reports_20191231_Deposits Based on the $100,000 Reporting Threshold.csv
  15. All_Reports_20191231_Deposits Based on the $250,000 Reporting Threshold.csv
  16. All_Reports_20191231_Deposits Held in Foreign Offices.csv
  17. All_Reports_20191231_Derivatives.csv
  18. All_Reports_20191231_Fiduciary and Related Services.csv
  19. All_Reports_20191231_Fiduciary settlements, surcharges, and other losses.csv
  20. All_Reports_20191231_Goodwill and Other Intangibles.csv
  21. All_Reports_20191231_Gross Fiduciary and Related Services Income.csv
  22. All_Reports_20191231_Income and Expense.csv
  23. All_Reports_20191231_Interest income and expense in foreign offices.csv
  24. All_Reports_20191231_Letters of Credit.csv
  25. All_Reports_20191231_Loan Charge-Offs and Recoveries.csv
  26. All_Reports_20191231_Loans Restructured in Troubled Debt Restructurings.csv
  27. All_Reports_20191231_Loans to Depository Institutions.csv
  28. All_Reports_20191231_Maturity & Repricing for Loans and Leases.csv
  29. All_Reports_20191231_Maximum Amount of Credit Exposure Retained.csv
  30. All_Reports_20191231_Memoranda.csv
  31. All_Reports_20191231_Net Charge-offs 1-4 Family Residential.csv
  32. All_Reports_20191231_Net Loans and Leases.csv
  33. All_Reports_20191231_Net charge-offs to loans.csv
  34. All_Reports_20191231_Nonaccrual 1-4 Family Residential.csv
  35. All_Reports_20191231_Noncurrent loans to loans.csv
  36. All_Reports_20191231_Nontransaction Accounts.csv
  37. All_Reports_20191231_Number of Fiduciary and Related Asset Accounts.csv
  38. All_Reports_20191231_Other Real Estate Owned.csv
  39. All_Reports_20191231_Past Due 30-89 Days 1-4 Family Residential.csv
  40. All_Reports_20191231_Past Due 90+ Days 1-4 Family Residential.csv
  41. All_Reports_20191231_Past Due and Nonaccrual Assets.csv
  42. All_Reports_20191231_Performance and Condition Ratios.csv
  43. All_Reports_20191231_Securities.csv
  44. All_Reports_20191231_Small Business Loans.csv
  45. All_Reports_20191231_Time Deposits at the $100,000 Threshold.csv
  46. All_Reports_20191231_Time Deposits at the $250,000 Threshold.csv
  47. All_Reports_20191231_Total Assets and Liabilities in Foreign Offices.csv
  48. All_Reports_20191231_Total Charge-offs 1-4 Family Residential.csv
  49. All_Reports_20191231_Total Debt Securities.csv
  50. All_Reports_20191231_Total Deposits.csv
  51. All_Reports_20191231_Total Fiduciary and Related Assets.csv
  52. All_Reports_20191231_Total Interest Expense.csv
  53. All_Reports_20191231_Total Interest Income.csv
  54. All_Reports_20191231_Total Loans and Leases in Foreign Offices.csv
  55. All_Reports_20191231_Total Managed Assets held in Fiduciary Accounts.csv
  56. All_Reports_20191231_Total Recoveries 1-4 Family Residential.csv
  57. All_Reports_20191231_Total Unused Commitments.csv
  58. All_Reports_20191231_Trading Account Gains & Fees.csv
  59. All_Reports_20191231_Transaction Accounts.csv
  60. All_Reports_20191231_U.S. Government Obligations.csv
  61. All_Reports_20191231_Unused Commitments Securitization.csv
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What is your privacy policy?

We respect your privacy. We do not sell or share any of your contact information with third parties.

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Disclaimers makes no representations of the accuracy of any of the ads on this site.

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How can I contact

Please call - (800) 611-BANK (2265)
or email -

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