Please click on zip code or chart for detailed city-zip PNG report
Banking Reports
Allendale, MI 49401 and Ottawa County Bank Deposit Summary and Market Share Reports with 3 branches and $204.50M in deposits.
Population is 28,358 with a median income of $69,468.
Real Estate Reports
51 real estate listings with a median price of $492,166 ($488,649 avg.) and 70 days on market.
MAPs - 49401 / MI
CHARTs - Ottawa County / MI
Banking Reports
Coopersville, MI 49404 and Ottawa County Bank Deposit Summary and Market Share Reports with 1 branch and $85.00M in deposits.
Population is 8,917 with a median income of $74,040.
Real Estate Reports
12 real estate listings with a median price of $551,725 ($622,198 avg.) and 49 days on market.
MAPs - 49404 / MI
CHARTs - Ottawa County / MI
Banking Reports
Grand Haven, MI 49417 and Ottawa County Bank Deposit Summary and Market Share Reports with 8 branches and $784.61M in deposits.
Population is 33,104 with a median income of $79,710.
Real Estate Reports
79 real estate listings with a median price of $539,250 ($599,143 avg.) and 66 days on market.
MAPs - 49417 / MI
CHARTs - Ottawa County / MI
Banking Reports
Holland, MI 49423 and Ottawa County Bank Deposit Summary and Market Share Reports with 17 branches and $1.60B in deposits.
No Population/Demographics for 49423
No Real Estate Details for 49423
Banking Reports
Holland, MI 49424 and Ottawa County Bank Deposit Summary and Market Share Reports with 12 branches and $886.91M in deposits.
Population is 48,493 with a median income of $79,616.
Real Estate Reports
78 real estate listings with a median price of $429,900 ($870,445 avg.) and 59 days on market.
MAPs - 49424 / MI
CHARTs - Ottawa County / MI
Banking Reports
Hudsonville, MI 49426 and Ottawa County Bank Deposit Summary and Market Share Reports with 7 branches and $771.40M in deposits.
Population is 40,410 with a median income of $103,705.
Real Estate Reports
89 real estate listings with a median price of $496,564 ($544,202 avg.) and 34 days on market.
MAPs - 49426 / MI
CHARTs - Ottawa County / MI
Banking Reports
Jenison, MI 49428 and Ottawa County Bank Deposit Summary and Market Share Reports with 7 branches and $599.38M in deposits.
Population is 27,793 with a median income of $86,414.
Real Estate Reports
43 real estate listings with a median price of $467,200 ($485,264 avg.) and 35 days on market.
MAPs - 49428 / MI
CHARTs - Ottawa County / MI
Banking Reports
Spring Lake, MI 49456 and Ottawa County Bank Deposit Summary and Market Share Reports with 3 branches and $277.08M in deposits.
Population is 19,568 with a median income of $83,477.
Real Estate Reports
83 real estate listings with a median price of $451,950 ($635,545 avg.) and 76 days on market.
MAPs - 49456 / MI
CHARTs - Ottawa County / MI
Banking Reports
Zeeland, MI 49464 and Ottawa County Bank Deposit Summary and Market Share Reports with 6 branches and $627.34M in deposits.
Population is 29,027 with a median income of $94,466.
Real Estate Reports
60 real estate listings with a median price of $513,325 ($601,598 avg.) and 53 days on market.
MAPs - 49464 / MI
CHARTs - Ottawa County / MI
Bank Deposit summaries and market share reports were compiled from the FDIC June 30, 2021 data at -
Bank CALL reports were compiled from the FDIC September 20, 2021 data at -
Real Estate Data and Charts were compiled from the December 2022 data at -
Interactive Map, Population and Demographis were compiled from 2021 data at -