Please click on zip code or chart for detailed city-zip PNG report
Banking Reports
Denton, MD 21629 and Caroline County Bank Deposit Summary and Market Share Reports with 4 branches and $350.51M in deposits.
Population is 9,988 with a median income of $65,541.
Real Estate Reports
34 real estate listings with a median price of $396,225 ($425,822 avg.) and 58 days on market.
MAPs - 21629 / MD
CHARTs - Caroline County / MD
Banking Reports
Federalsburg, MD 21632 and Caroline County Bank Deposit Summary and Market Share Reports with 1 branch and $82.25M in deposits.
Population is 6,504 with a median income of $59,135.
Real Estate Reports
29 real estate listings with a median price of $245,425 ($234,063 avg.) and 87 days on market.
MAPs - 21632 / MD
CHARTs - Caroline County / MD
Banking Reports
Greensboro, MD 21639 and Caroline County Bank Deposit Summary and Market Share Reports with 1 branch and $38.08M in deposits.
Population is 4,734 with a median income of $56,173.
Real Estate Reports
14 real estate listings with a median price of $329,000 ($322,912 avg.) and 124 days on market.
MAPs - 21639 / MD
CHARTs - Caroline County / MD
Banking Reports
Preston, MD 21655 and Caroline County Bank Deposit Summary and Market Share Reports with 1 branch and $58.45M in deposits.
Population is 4,753 with a median income of $78,000.
Real Estate Reports
13 real estate listings with a median price of $371,150 ($328,263 avg.) and 83 days on market.
MAPs - 21655 / MD
CHARTs - Caroline County / MD
Banking Reports
Ridgely, MD 21660 and Caroline County Bank Deposit Summary and Market Share Reports with 3 branches and $90.01M in deposits.
Population is 4,100 with a median income of $78,922.
Real Estate Reports
14 real estate listings with a median price of $323,950 ($337,065 avg.) and 60 days on market.
MAPs - 21660 / MD
CHARTs - Caroline County / MD
Bank Deposit summaries and market share reports were compiled from the FDIC June 30, 2021 data at -
Bank CALL reports were compiled from the FDIC September 20, 2021 data at -
Real Estate Data and Charts were compiled from the December 2022 data at -
Interactive Map, Population and Demographis were compiled from 2021 data at -